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Saturday, July 5, 2014

PT Bank Mega Tbk - Operation Control Training Program Bank Mega July 2014

PT Bank Mega Tbk
PT Bank Mega Tbk /
PT Bank Mega Tbk - Bank Mega is a reputable privately-owned commercial bank in Indonesia with rapid business expansion. At first establishment in 1969, the Bank originally registered in Surabaya as Bank Karman. The name of PT Bank Mega Tbk was launched in 2000. As of December 2013, Bank Mega is based in Jakarta and supported by 121 branches and 223 sub-branches across the Country. PT Bank Mega Tbk is a subsidiary company of diversified conglomerate CT Corpora (formerly Para Group). At the time, CT Corpora through PT Mega Corpora holds 57.82% shares in this bank, while the remaining 42.18% was owned by public. According to Bank Mega's 2013 annual report as quoted by, Bank Mega booked an increase in its financial performance. Bank Mega’s latest financial report showed that total loan amounted to Rp30.2 trillion in 2013, or increased by 11.8% from the previous year. Total assets went up by 1.84% from Rp65.2 trillion in 2012 to Rp66.4 trillion in 2013.

In line with its vision, became the pride of nation, PT Bank Mega Tbk invites dynamic young professionals and high-power struggle to join as:

Operation Control Training Program

  • S1/S2 from the departement of IT or Economy.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.8 0.
  • Experienced at least 1 - 2 years at banking (non-sales).
  • Happy to do the work of analyzing and count.
  • Single with maximum age 30 years old.
  • Willing to follow the training program
and undergo a period of a bond.Placement area
  1. Area Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi and Tangerang (Code : OCTP Jabodetabek).
  2. Area Bandung, Cirebon and Purwakarta (Code : OCTP Reg Bandung)
  3. Area Solo & Purwokerto (Code : OCTP Reg Semarang).
  4. Area Surabaya, Denpasar/Mataram, Blitar or Tulung Agung (Code : OCTP Reg Surabaya).
  5. Area Batam, Jambi or Pekanbaru (Code : OCTP Reg Medan).
  6. Area Balikpapan, Samarinda,  Jayapura, Sorong and Timika (Code : OCTP Reg Makasar).
Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. Please submit your resume to
  1. For area Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi and Tangerang : please send your CV and photograph to
  2. For area Bandung, Cirebon and Purwakarta : please send your CV and photograph by email to or by postal services to Human Capital Bank Mega Reg Bandung - Menara Bank Mega Bandung Lt 8, Jl Gatot Subroto No 283 Bandung 40237.
  3. For  area Solo & Purwokerto : please send your CV and photograph by email to or by postal services to HR Bank Mega Regional Semarang - Menara Bank Mega Semarang Lt 6, Jl Pandanaran 82 Semarang 50134.
  4. For area Surabaya, Denpasar/Mataram, Blitar or Tulung Agung : please send your CV and photograph by email to or by postal services to HR Bank Mega Regional Surabaya - Jl Raya Darmo No 9A Surabaya 60225.
  5. For area Batam, Jambi or Pekanbaru : please send your CV and photograph by email to, or by postal services to HR Bank Mega Regional Medan - Menara Bank Mega Medan, Jl Kapten Maulana Lubis No 11 Medan 20212.
  6. For area Balikpapan, Samarinda,  Jayapura, Sorong and Timika : please send your CV and photograph by email to or by postal services to Menara Bank Mega Makasar - Jl Metro Tanjung Bunga Makassar 90224 (UP HR Bank Mega Regional Makasar).
For further information about this program, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Please indicate the position code on the envelope or your email subject. Your application will be kept as strictly confidential. Please ensure your contact telephone number included in your CV. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for selection and interview. (

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Related : PT Bank Mega Tbk - Operation Control Training Program Bank Mega July 2014


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