Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - S1, S2 Fresh Graduate Management Trainee Telkom July 2014

Telkom Indonesia
Telkom Indonesia / telkom.co.id
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - Telkom or known as Telkom Group is the country's largest telecommunications services provider, based in Bandung West Java. The Company is majority owned by the Government of Indonesia. As of March 2014, the Government of Indonesia owned 53.14% shares in this company, while the remaining 46.86% was owned by public. Together with its subsidiaries, Telkom Group are running business in providing telecommunication, information, media &; edutainment, and services (TIMES) services, including fixed wireline, fixed wireless, mobile services, internet and data communication, network services, interconnection, and additional services. According to Telkom Group’s 2013 annual report as quoted by JobsCDC.com, the Company posted Rp 14.20 trillion in net income, a 10.5 percent rise from Rp12.85 trillion in the previous year.

To achieve the company vision ; to become a leading TIMES player in the region, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk is looking for extraordinarily talented individuals to fill in the following Management Trainee positions

Marketing Trainee
S1/S2 Management, Business Management
Network Engineer Trainee
S1/S2 Electro Engineering - Telecommunication
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Information Technology Engineer Trainee
S1/S2 Informatics Engineering
Assessment Center Trainee
S2 Pscyhology
Visual Communication Design Trainee
S1/S2 Vicual Communication Design

    General Requirements
    • Indonesian citizen (WNI).
    • Have completed the study, by attaching diploma or SKL (Graduate Certificate).
    • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (S1) and 3.50 (S2).
    • Maximum age of 24 years old (S1) and 27 years old (S2) as of 1 August 2014.
    • Willing to be placed around the working area of PT Telkom.
    • Have not been following the selection process at PT Telkom one year earlier.
    • Have a TOEFL certificate periods of the year 2014, with minimum score of 450 (S1) and 500 (S2).
    • Having Graduation Diploma of Higher Education.
    • Willing to follow the Management Trainee Program of PT Telkom.
    • Have not been following the Recruitment Program of PT Telkom, especially in 2014.
    This position can be applied by anyone who met the requirement above. If you find that your skill meet the requirement, please immediately send your comprehensive resume stating the position code, to
    1. UI : Registration through the website CDC UI http://cdc.ui.ac.id no later than 15 July 2014 at 23:59 pm.
    2. UNPAD : Registration through the website CDC UNPAD http://cdc.unpad.ac.id no later than 15 July 2014 at 23:59 pm.
    3. UGM : Registration through the website ECC UGM http://ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id/ no later than 26 July 2014.
    4. ITB : Registration through the website ITB Career Center http://karir.itb.ac.id/ no later than 15 July 2014.
    5. ITS :  Please apply by SISAC, then print your proof of application and submitted to the validation officer PPK / SAC ITS and showed your legalized copies of transcripts and diploma. Deadline date : 6 August 2014.
        For further information about Telkom Management Trainee Program, please refer official source from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefit will be offered to candidates suitable for each position. (JobsCDC.com / Source1 - Source2 - Source3 - Source4 - Source5)

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        Related : PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - S1, S2 Fresh Graduate Management Trainee Telkom July 2014


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